Me, Myself & I.

Firstly I’m going to apologise for the cliche title, it’s fairly well used, but I feel it’s appropriate for my next post.

Too many of us focus on other people. Other people opinions, thoughts, looks, judgements. A lot of us may have someone we don’t like, that has hurt us, cheated on us, used us, made us feel small and our first reactions to this are “what did I do wrong?!”, “what has she got that I haven’t?” “Am I too fat”, etc etc. We compare ourselves to something or someone else because they have failed us, and wonder what we did wrong.


Life will always throw us hardballs and none of us are perfect, so try to remember, even when someone has hurt you deeply, that everyone is going through some kind of battle. So try to be the best YOU can be because that is your karma. Leave them to decipher their own karma.

Being hurt and wounded, opens up a lot of internal battles, it can lead to hate, spite, anger. However these are all things that are ultimately in your control, you can choose to let them devour you, or you can devour those bad emotions and feelings and turn them into positive energy.


So wake up this morning and think about YOU. You DREAMS, your GOALS, your ASPIRATIONS. Think about how YOU are going to achieve them and not how someone else will affect your life.

I’m not saying it is simply that easy to forgive, forget, remove pain and anger, but it starts with YOU, not them. They may never be sorry for what they did, they may never change, but those things are out of your control.

Your happiness is.

Happy Monday 🙂


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