Go find yourself…

So when I left England to travel around 3 years ago, the phrase “Go find yourself” was thrown around a lot. Although, what does that really mean?! You can’t find yourself literally, because you are and will always be yourself. So metaphorically how does one “find themself”?

I suppose it has something to do with working out, who you are, what you want to be, where you want to go?! But is all that really necessary?

I travelled 3 months in South East Asia and now Australia and I still don’t know the answer the all of those questions. However I have had some of the best life experiences ever. Things that I will always remember and have changed my life and perspective forever. Until the next experience.

So what I’m trying to get as is that life is always forming and shaping us, so what’s the rush? What’s the stress all about? At the end of the day we can only change, worry or deal with things that our in our control, when a lot of aspects of of lives and what influences us simply aren’t in our control.


One of the main things for me is my family and friends, I grew up in the UK, so the majority of my family and closest friends are there, this can be hard, sometimes you just need a hug from dad, or the girls with that elusive bottle of wine that drowns your sorrows. However all that being said, if I didn’t leave my little safe haven on the Isle of Wight, then I would never have got to experience everything I have, or met people that have touched my life and I wouldn’t be the person I am today.


So I suppose my viewpoint on this is that all these experiences make us who we are, but it is ultimately us who decides what we do in the face of these experiences, good or bad. Life has it’s ups and downs, it also had it’s highs and lows, but you can choose to be swallowed by them or to ride them the best way you know how.

So while it’s all good and well to “Go find yourself”, travel, take to experiences and get up and go, because life’s to short not to. I believe that “finding yourself” isn’t something that needs to be done, or can ever be fully achieved. It’s subjective. So it’s more a case of “Go be yourself”, however you are at that time in your life. Let life influence you, mould you, change your perspectives and feelings because by going so and truly letting go of trying to be somebody, you can really “find yourself”.

Don’t stress the small stuff, hell don’t even stress the big stuff, easy to say, a lot harder to do, but life is too god dam short to worry. So look for your silver lining in every situation and make that your focus and have fun “being yourself”… because at the end of the day, you is all you’ve got!


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